Painting By Numbers

Painting By Numbers

When we look at great art, do we realise it is looking back? With eyes that see more clearly than we do? In a mysterious gallery imbued with strange life, shadows of the past and unresolved futures collide when a child’s vision peels away the layers of what we call ‘reality’… join a journey through the masterpieces you thought you knew as their hidden souls are finally given a voice. As layers of contemporary ‘reality’ are stripped away, art’s unseen soul brings a challenge we can neither ignore nor escape. Or can we? Will their message be heard in time? The door is open. The masters’ works await us. Who will enter?

Student(s) or Researcher(s)
Radheya Jegatheva
Professor, Research Lead or Internship Advisor
Matt Hearn
School / Country
Curtin University / Australia
Production Year
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